Tuesday, June 22, 2010

South Pacific tour 2010

So it's been exactly one week since I have arrived home from my trip around the world. Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, and Hawaii. It was literally a blast, and a chance of a life time! I will never forget it. Fiji was my favorite destination, and our first. It's so tropical, humid, and green! New Zealand had the most beautiful green rolling hills, sheep everywhere, and was raining for us... Sydney, Australia was a very busy city but only about 30 min. away it's the most beautiful green land and mountains. And Hawaii was a perfect way to end the trip. By just relaxing on the beach all day and getting some sun.

The Sofitel 5 star hotel in Fiji. It was amazing and was absolutely beautiful.
Sitting on a hammick on the Fijian beach right outside our hotel. With Jessica and Aspen. They are some of the funnest girls. I had a wonderful time with them on this trip!

Me and my grandma at the "garden of the sleeping giant."
We went to the South Sea Island, it was so breath taking. There was so much to do, we didn't even lay out once. We snorkeled, Kayaked, Submarine ride, and sailing. It was beautiful, and the water was so blue.
Us with Moses. He taught us how to make these sweet bandanna leaf bracelets. and we found out he was Mormon. So that was even cooler. It shows that there are Mormons all over the world! :)

We made it to New Zealand. Aspen's favorite place.Wahoo
It was so GREEN!
At the Agridome. All the sheep were so different with so many different characteristics.
I was called up to feed a baby lamb. So cute!!
Nature is so pretty. especially in New Zealand haha.

Yeah were in Sydney, Australia! And we saw the famous Sydney Opera House!

The water was so cool. 3 different colors of blue. Can you see it?

Australian ocean. Plus the sand is the softest sand I've ever felt!

And we actually swam in the Australian current! So fun. It was winter there, but we thought oh what the heck, we will only be in Australia once in our life. It was so fun and wasn't actually to cold.
Sydney Opera house.
Yeah Australia sunsets :)
We saw the show "Glow" in the Opera House.
Koala love. They are so stinkin' cute.

Kangaroo. Kangaroo.

Yeah, I pretty much woke up to this on the plane. Why Hello Hawaii!

U.S.S. Arizona memorial. Pearl Harbor.

We were at the beach all day. Waikiki. I loved it

Just arriving at the Luau. drinking our Mai ties with Ruby and Grandma.
We made these cutest bracelets with palm leaves and flowers.

I love Hawaii :)
Jessica and I. People thought we looked like twins. They would ask us if were were sisters. I don't know if I see the resemblance.
The food was delicious everywhere we went!
Hang loose. Polynesian dancers.
Me, Mimi, and Jessi. We sadly had to say good bye to everyone we met.
I had such a blast on this trip!! I am so grateful for this opportunity I had. Thanks Grandma Penny!!!
We did so much more than what is pictured. I have so many more pictures. But so little time to post. We our getting ready for our new adventure traveling the US!

1 comment:

Marae said...

pictures are amaaazing! i love the one with you and the lamb. and how are you so tan after all that time in washington?

have fun on the roadtrip and please document it thoroughly--miss you!!!