Thursday, July 15, 2010

I'm the king of New York...

I thought of this song, from Newsies, as we were riding down the streets of NYC.

On our last day in New York. We just had to see the world famous Statue of Liberty. Yeah!

We rode on a fairy down to Ellis Island and Liberty Island.

Isn't he just a cutie patutie? haha
Yeah, heading down to Ellis Island. Where the immigrants first came to become US citizens.

Whitney just pondering. so beautifully

Yeah, yeah I'm in New Yoork.

Seeing the one and only Brooklyn Bridge. What I've always wanted to see. Duh.. It says my name. haha :)

Yeah Brooklyn!
Being up close and personal with the Statue of Liberty.
It was awesome and so huge.
We were just about to go into it, but it closed right before we got there.
It was still awesome just being there.
Especially since I had heard and learned so much about it before.
Symblol of Statue: Liberty and Justice.

I absolutely loved New York.
Just as the shirts say
I <3

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