Thursday, December 30, 2010

Post Christmas Blues.

i'm sure it happens to all of us.
all the waiting and preparing for the Christmas season is all over.
we have to... wait yet another year and restart the count down.
work off all the goodies we consumed.
dread the day the break is over.
i don't even want to say it... but school starts again.. eep.

All I want to do is sit on the couch and veg.

I just had a great Christmas break, but it just went by way too stinkin' fast.
I guess time flies when your having fun. 

I have been spending lots of time with my family this break. and I love it.
I guess I kinda like joining in on the chaotic bliss.

Everyone on the Barben side of the family has been down. and we have been trying to spend every second of the waking day with them. that means all the little kiddies sleeping over every night.
Every night we have gotten together for a big party. consuming of: Just Dance, food food and more food, stories, laughs, and old home videos.{may I add that my dad was such a cool kid. mullet, bright short shorts, and all.} I think family is the main reason I love this time of year. I love every minute I am with them. My family is just so cool.
but of course people have to come and go.

Grandma and Grandpa Lindsey and Craig arrived at our house today. It is great seeing them again. Grandma has been showing us her moves on Just Dance, it's been great. We will get to celebrate the new year with them. :)

well until then.. Happy New Year.
holie mowlie it's going to be 2011. that is just weird. we are getting old. and time is flying.

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