Sunday, February 6, 2011

If you’re lucky enough to be different, don’t ever change.

facts of this week:

*Cafe Rio and Olive Garden are theee best.
*i'm not a good driver at all to say the least. some say it relaxes them, it only stresses me out.
*every dancer has their bad days. we blamed the wind outside for throwing us off. and stealing our balance.
*Pointe shoes hurt vury vury bad when they are soft. it feels like your dancing right on your toes.
*DSC is full of back to school mommy's.
*I have awesome friends.
*St. George has bipolar weather.
*I can't fit anymore clothes in my closet. too many. but can't get rid of things. and can't stop shopping.
*CIS is the most pointless class of my life. and LIB. seriously, we are in the 21st century here, I think we know how to copy and paste. well......
*I love my dancing friends. some have "bully troubles" but they listen to their hearts and take long breaths so it's all good. {fyi: inside jokes}
*ceramics is hard. I can't get the stinking clay to make a cylinder. its just a blob.
*I absolutely can't wait to go to NUVO! aaah
*Our Journey "Seperate Ways" music video is so legit.
*Mustaches are just too cool. {fake ones i tell you}
*GloZell on youtube cracks me up. my new favorite lady. "Is that your breathe.. or did you just faaurt.?"
*The testing center is a death chamber. and the line goes out the doors on Saturdays. so don't go.
*Homework is dumb.
*I'm probably one of the most uninvolved student at DHHS. its all good, high school can be pointless. i'll move on with my life.
*I love happy music.
*I'm lucky I have been healthy and haven't gotten sick. yet.
*Church is wonderful.
*I am a daughter of God and he loves me.
*I got an 880 callorie popsicle sucker at young womens today. its the hugest sucker i've ever layed my mouth on.
*I just like Super Bowl Sunday for the food. i'm sitting here stuffed.
*Papa's massage chair is heaven. I could sit there for hours on hours.
*Commercials make the Super Bowl so much better:
"What's a 6G?"
 "What's a Bieber?"
"I don't know, it kinda looks like a girl." bahahahahaha
*My little cousins are so great. They could entertain me all day. we like to play "Lady Gaga"(Old Maid)

Basically a great week :)

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