Saturday, March 5, 2011


Saturdays. I like em'
sleeping in till 10 and enjoying the sunny morning.
doing chores and blasting wonderful music.
and of course doing CIS-what wouldn't be more fun, right?

well you see. after all that was over.
i. well we. (syd) went and saw mr. JB. and all his talent.
Ok. so I was and still am not one of the fanatic girls with Bieber Fever.
but. I have to admit: I did like the movie. I went to it in the first place to see what all the craze was about.. Because every girl goes weak in the knees after seeing that movie. i swear.
I did gain a lot more respect for that kid though. 
my little heart for him melted when he started drumming away as a little tike. and when the guitar was half his size. but he was so good, yet so small.  his voice is actually sorta beautiful.
I have to admit. We did sing a long to some of his songs.
not to the extreme of dancing up and down the whole dang movie. and screaming.
but do I have beiber fever?
no. I did not change my last name to Bieber on thee Facebook.
no. I hate the hair flip. {i like the new cut}
no. I don't have a whole album dedicated to him.
no. I didn't bake a cake for him on his birthday.
no. I luckily didn't catch the fever.
I promised myself I wouldn't write a post over this kid. but looky here. I just did.
proves the movie was a little convincing. a little. JB-your just cool.
so I did say I like chill saturdays.
that must be why I saw two movies in one day.
I went with the silly brothers to the in-n-out 
and the whole fam went to see Tangled. {at the 2 dolla theater, of course}
I just adore that movie.
can I just befriend a funny, little camillion now? oh and I dream of seeing floating lanterns myself.
I can't wait to see it for the 3rd. 4th. 5th. . . .  time.
i love it.

clean movies are just great. 

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