Monday, March 14, 2011

family, fire, and frying pans.

Family Home Evening is always a hoot.
chaotic bliss we call it.
This particular {fhe} we roasted mallows and starbursts.
we just couldn't pass up a lovely night like this.

aren't my brothers just some studly chucks?

 *Brigham is a funny one. he's the little pyro boy. that gets uber excited and can't contain it. so he gets embarrased and starts fighting a little bush. ha.

we talked about The Family a Proclamation to the World for the lesson.
I'm so thankful that I was born into such an absolutely wonderful family.
where I am raised by loving parents that  love and care for me and my family.
[and I wasn't fried by frying pans.] te.
I know my family would do anything for me and stand up for anyone in my family.
I love them so much and I am so thankful I get to live with them in the eternities.

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