Monday, March 21, 2011

peace to the college.

College started up again today.
it was weird.
I think I lost some of my brain cells from this short little break.
I couldn't think.and I couldn't remember my math at all.
Breaks i really do love you. but it shows how education is at a loss. we forget after a week. let alone a whole summer. maby i need to study more over the breaks? nah.
That english paper was hard enough. I couldn't even think one bit. maby it's my blog that distracts me.

To add on to the weirdness of this rainy monday:
I drove to school.
I didn't have to wait.
I was on my own. cool.
Now i feel like i'm getting old. I finally kinda feel 16.
first I need to get used to the feeling of being alone in a car. and carrying around keys.

But today was rather chill.
i like chill.
Sydster and I looked pretty hipster.
our tie dye turned out punch rocket.  
We were the sunshine to the rainy day.

Well now i've decided i'm going to live this last 4th quarter in peace. and try to be less stressed about things as possible. oh and not procrastiate.

well peace to the schools.
college and high school. 

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I cannot believe you are 16! that kind of freaks me out. Enjoy the ride!