Friday, April 15, 2011

the reason for my bloggage.

"This is a time capsule. In 10 years I won't remember what I did today, what I wore, who I was with... But, I can I look back at these musings and reminisce and I will again be joyful for the same reasons I am joyful today. I can share my own forgotten memories with myself. I will know exactly what it's like to be sixteen again. This is like an abstract way of preserving my youth. And for that very reason, I will write."

I got a blog when i was 13. that would explain the blog address.{a little nickname my daddio gave me}
I didn't know why i blogged then, i guess to rant about how cute david archuleta is and funny little blonde moments i had. I even caught myself using LOL. ew. ha. i was on a little blogging weird craze for a while.

then i kind of stopped. which i totally regret. those were the times that were the hardest but yet the most memorable. the times in Washington helped me become who i am today. I became stronger.

And of course I started again, and haven't stoppped since.
i absolutely love blogging.
{and blog stalking.ha}
sorry if my posts can be too frequent or odd. but it's for my own good.
but I seriously think it is the best way to keep a journal/scrapbook. all in one. i'll print it off someday.

Remembering all the memories and funny little adventures that makes life exciting is what it's all about. :)

happy blogging!

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