Tuesday, January 3, 2012

happy in 2012

well wasn't 2011 a pretty great year? i thought so. i turned 16! learned to drive. license baby. danced danced like it was my last last night of my life life. spent too many hours of my year doing school. got my patriarchal blessing. joined the kaos famm. met lots of new people. nannied. lived at grandmas house for the summer. trekked. went to lake Powell for the first time evr. met my besss frieeend haley swenson. started remakin. dhhs sophie to junior. dsc freshie to sophie.
2011 was one crazy year for sure. it's kind of a big blur.
2012 motto is to make many many memories! To create, remember, capture, and document the good, the bad, the ugly, and of course the HAPPY!

to start off this year:
i remade this pretty little pin stripe skirt that i scored at the di.
but i don't know about this iremake thing anymore. i like doing it ya know for my sake. but i guess i just feel embarassed/awkward putting it on the blog. these awk self-time pics just don't cut it. maby a new resolution will to not be embarrased about my blogio. it's my life right.
i cleaned my bedroom for a fresh start.
yes, i did just make my bed.
props to the new christmas bed spread, bright green sheets, and flag banner. (i made!)
see mee? i took this in the mirror. hence the backward words.

well now that you have seen my very own sleeping adobe.
i mine as well tell you my whole life story now, right.
no. i'm just really liking the new do. that's all.
i set some year 2012 goals. along with my year motto.
i will accomplish them.
and we had our first. but NOT last fam dance comp of the year.
it's real life people.
attention: 5 year old Brigham can almost (okay, maby can) out dance his big sis. he does the worm, the runnin man, back roll, parkour, splits, coffee grinder, and the jerk (my personal fav of his moves.)
he's that good. and that cool.
 don't those hot floods make him even more gangster?

2012 will be party rockiin.

1 comment:

Lizzylou said...

the skirt is very cute, your bedspread and room in very cute, and of course you and little Brigs. are very cute:)