Tuesday, September 18, 2012

the goods.

 life has been really good to me lately.
 here's some reasons why:
Me, Bridgette, Elle, Emily, & the girl that I don't know her name (i will find out!!!!)
 Stomp dance after the football game.  
"I don't like dance parties," said Brooklyn NEVER! 
 us cuties watching college football!
we sure love when the ACT is over with too. & we eat cafe rio.  

 looking sluggish ova here^^^
but i'm lovin this new skirt of mine. i'm only wishing I was a really good seamstress and could make that thrifty find into the dress I imagined.
modest, high waisted, buttons, & salmon colored makes for the perfect classy skirt though. 
 & Aladdin at Tuachan last night for my Dad's birthday!!
I got him (&family) 8 FREE tickets! (I got some awesome hook ups!) It was AMAZING! 3D!
I couldn't ask for a better daddio! He really is the best.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Looks like fun!! How did you get tickets??? Let me know next time you find a good dealio like that!!