Saturday, November 3, 2012

Mighty Meg dinner.

 Kalamity and Kaos got the opportunity to have dinner with our cause this year, Mighty Meg, and her family. We were able to visit with her and learn more about her. She is a wife and a mother of two young girls. Five years ago she was diagnosed with chondrosarcoma bone cancer, it has spread all throughout her body and she is lucky if she can even get out of bed in the morning. But she continues to fight everyday so that she can be a mom because they mean so much to her. Her full story is here. She is such a strong person that has a very strong testimony of the gospel, and I can tell that she turns to the Lord in all things. She has such a positive attitude and is a great example to me. I am so thankful for everday I am able to get out of bed (even if it's at 5 am) and dance for someone in need.
this is where I dance. with a purpose!!

 such beautiful people with even more beautiful hearts.
I love all these people and they mean so much to me!
I'm so excited to dance for Mighty Meg!!!!!!

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