Sunday, November 4, 2012

my life be like.

i love blogging. and I miss it so.
I just did a major blog catch up and it feels so good. There is nothing better than checking off something from your to-do's. Especially cleaning your room. I have no idea what my problem is but it seems like I just like to throw all my clothes on my floor lately. And then leave them there until the end of the week and then have a major room cleaning/dance party. It's fun I guess but is totally not like me. except for the dancing part.
this was part of my last minute halloween costume but I just thought it really fit my life as of now. (I was dressed up as my real self though, right?) School is all I ever think about lately. Homework, class, ACT, graduating, tests, college, college, and more college, where do I want to go to college?, what do I want to be?, oh and did i mention college?. Ok, so college is on my mind. It's a decision that can be so stressfull and yet so exciting!
oh yeah.... i'm still in high school. forgot about that one. haha
Desert Hills treats me pretty well, when i'm there at least.
 I have loved going to volleyball and football games. Did I mention that Dhills volleyball are state champs? my friends are state champs, and I am so excited for them! Also, football took region and are playing in the semi-finals this week! you know I will be cheering loud for them.
And i'm still trying to fit in as much fun as possible in my busy sched.
like cruising on the freeway in Haley's convertible. it's the only way to go; yolo, yodo, yoho. hahah
life is always good when you are surrounded by amazing people, the gospel, and happiness.

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