Sunday, December 9, 2012

a little philosophy of mine

well it's finals week. and i'm busy studying my brain out and writing papers.
but I just thought I'd share a little  bit of the paper I've been writing for my Humanities class.
It's my philosophy on happiness and life iteself.....
           Life is a journey. As simple as that statement may be, it is full of truthfulness and it greatly defines life as many people know it to be. In this journey of life we are faced with challenges, happiness, shortcomings, love, and overall joy that are often compared to a rollercoaster of ups and downs.  These major events and feelings are what shape who we are and our views on life itself. It is simply up to us on how we react in these situations. I believe that positivity is everything. If we adapt to the different changes in our lives, realize the important things in life, and show gratitude we will find joy in the journey.
            Happiness and joy are often used interchangeably, but I think that they are very different from each other. Happiness is often external while joy is found from inner feelings. Joyful people think and act differently, they do not dwell on the negative and their attitude towards life is positive. Joyful people are happy people, but to me the big difference is that people can still have joy even during times of trial because they have learned to look for the positive in everything, just as stoics believe.  
                Stoics believe that pain is essential to living. Richard Paul Janaro says, “The best possible course is to prepare for the worst and develop a technique for dealing with it” (392). I do believe in the stoic’s philosophy that pain is essential to living because it is what teaches us life lessons and humbles us. Without experiencing pain, people would not be able to feel empathy for one another that have experienced or gone through similar trials and hardships. They simply wouldn’t know what true happiness is and what it feels like because they wouldn’t know any difference. Even while suffering pain, stoics are able to look to the positive and find happiness because they have learned that with a positive mindset they will eventually find happiness in their trials.  
                I have had my own experiences in finding joy in my life journey so far. As a 15 year old girl I slowly discovered this philosophy when my family and I moved to Oak Harbor, Washington from our hometown in Utah. Honestly, I was not excited to move and take on this so-called “adventure” as my parents would say. I did not want to leave the things behind that I thought brought such great happiness to me. I was scared for the change and afraid of the unknown. But with my family there to support me, I slowly became used to my new surroundings. These times were hard for me, but I realized that if I looked for something positive in each day (even as simple as an American Idol episode) I could make my situation so much better. I began to accept and adapt to this change in my life, and thought of it as a learning experience in many different ways. I believe that we can learn to be happy in our trials or we can continue to complain; but it is the way we view our experiences that will determine our outcome and overall happiness. Just as the Romantic philosophy of Austhetics, it is the way we look at something, either as beautiful or sublime that will decide our experience with it. My experience in Washington taught me that life is not about dwelling on the past and what could have happened, but looking forward to the future and making the best of it.
            I have learned that change is constant and we must continually embrace it. And because it is always changing we must not take for granted the things that we have and are able to do, because someday they could be taken away from us. Lately this concept has brought so much more meaning to my life. I am a part of a dance group called Kalamity/Kaos where we dance for someone with a “calamity” in their life and are in need of financial help. This past year we have been working hard and doing fundraisers for our 2012 cause, Mighty Meg. Meg is the definition of mighty. She has battled through chondrosarcoma bone cancer for six years now and continues to fight every day. Meg has endured and fought far beyond what most would think possible with this life threatening disease. She has gone through dozens of surgeries, two failed attempts of chemotherapy, and many more procedures. Even with all these attempts, her tumors continue to grow and spread every day. I have learned that unexpected changes can happen to anyone at anytime, which is why it is so important to not take our health, our abilities, and our family for granted at any time. In this certain circumstance I have learned to not take for granted my talent and ability to dance, something that has been taken away from Meg forever, because I never know when that ability may be taken away from me. Doing this service has helped me realize the blessings I have been given in my life and makes me want to live everyday to the absolute fullest.
Experiencing these things and changes are why I think it is important to be able to distinguish between what is important in life and what is not. What is most important almost always involves the people around us. At these times of hardship and change, I have grown so much closer to my family and others around me more than ever before. They truly have become my best friends and I realize how important they are in my life. Realizing what is important in life goes hand in hand with gratitude of all that we have. The ancient Roman philosopher Horace said, “Whatever hour God has blessed you with, take it with grateful hand, nor postpone your joys from year to year, so that in whatever place you have been, you may say that you have lived happily” (Monson, 2008). Rather than looking at the negative, I believe that if we step back and look at our blessings, big or small, we will find happiness and joy in our lives. I know from experience that if people do these things that they will learn to ultimately find joy in the journey, and that is what life is all about!
Happy Finals week!!

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