Monday, January 21, 2013

lists & life & such.

::first stating; I miss summer. bad.::
::school is hard::
::but i can do it::
::i'm so ready to graduate. high school is great and all but life is SO much more. I think I realized this my sophomore year. a lot of the high school "things" just don't matter too much to me.  Going from my college classes to the high school class room, I feel the maturity level drop like crazy. It's a different world out there::
::I forget that I moved sometimes. It still hasn't hit me that I live in this house now:: 
::i'm excited & nervous for my CNA class this semester. i feel all professional with my little scrubs and stethoscope:: 
::so i'm probably going to be a nurse::
::ok. i'm scared to graduate though too. graduating means growing up officially. paying bills, living on my own, making my own decisions, and so much more. it's a big responsibility:: 
::but i'm so excited to explore the world. and meet new people::
::it's hard for people to forgive and forget. I guess I need to remember this and be patient because I think we all have a problem with this from some point in our life.
::the adversary will try to tear you down, especially by the way of others. YOU have the ability to pull yourself back up::
::It's funny how things work out. Things I never would imagine happening right now and in the future are going to happen. I'm excited to see how things work out and where I will be and what I will be doing in the short future::
:i'm 18 in nine days. this is weird::
::dancing at the vault is my favorite. we need a cause. help::
::I haven't used heat on my hair for 2 weeks. this might be an everyday thing now. whoops::
::it's sunny outside. i just love stg::
::i'm starting to stock up on winter coats, which means cold & snow in the near future::
 ::i'm not the best at writing down my feelings. I would say i am a simple minded person. but I like that about myself::
:: i've started to work out at the gym. (this is a big deal for me). i'm taking it real slow with classes I enjoy like healthy postures, yoga, zumba, and extreme barre. someday i will do that extreme cardio stuff like my mama. but it is one step closer to accomplishing one of my new year goals of "enjoying to work out"::
::it takes effort to find answers. the scriptures are there to look for those answers. sometimes i just need that reminder::
::i have found it so important to take a minute out of every day. especially every week to review and look upon my life. what I can do better and what I need to stop doing::
::lists help::

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