Friday, March 29, 2013


On those days where is seems like everything goes wrong, the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine. Just breath, smile, & have faith. ❤

Days like these I just have to relax a little and stop thinking of myself. Stop thinking of how busy i am. stop thinking of all the homework and tests i have to do. stop thinking about how big this cold sore on my lip is (k..but really it looks like I got in a fight or something...or got lip surgery..)).
but... to start thinking of others. Thinking of others and serving is the only way that can bring us true happiness. I get so caught up in my life and my problems that I tend to forget what is right there in front of me. Blessings upon blessings. I have to admit that some of my decisions are pretty daunting and important right now. But looking at another person's situation like deciding if they are going to resuscitate their poor, sick baby or not makes my decisions look like nothing...But a piece of cake. I started thinking about Rayden and his mom and the trials they are going through. I can't even imagine myself in their shoes. Like what would I do in that situation?
Life is too short to be anything but happy. 

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