Monday, March 18, 2013

i live in a beautiful place

Spring Break 2013.
I got to have a stay-cation again this break. and I didn't mind one bit. I seriously live in the most beautiful place with the most beautiful people with the most beautiful weather too. It can't get much better than that (okay maybe the beach, but sunshine & the pool did me just as well). I did a lot of exploring of my beautiful town & it's most favorable places. I made a list of things I wanted to do over the break and I pretty much did everyone of them and more (...oh except my 6 page paper that's due this week... oops)

Picnic on the famous Dixie rock & taking Emma through the crack for the first time ever.
A trip to the library, to find something to read other than a textbook. I started the book "Heaven is Here" by Stephanie Nielson and I am absolutely loving it and her inspiring story.
 We of course stopped by our favorite little thrift shop
 Chilled like jellies at Hays house. hahah yes she has this in her room. how amazing is that. it lights up and plays music too.

 A random scooter sesh down the Vard with Emma to visit this working lady at Neilson's Custard.

 Convertible rides, the best kind of rides.
Party in the USA & YOLIAO- "You Only Live In America Once" for Emma.
 first skim sesh of the season at the river.
famous swig stop getting our snow cone Avalanches.
 Okay this is just up because my little sister is about as tall as me now! Apparently I don't look too happy about it either. hahahah it's the bun i tell you.

 "We love to hug the temple". Okay, we were just really happy that the temple was open again!

 I took Brig & Jax fishing and it was seriously the funniest, cutest thing ever. I just sat there and watched & laughed the whole time. They seriously know everything about fishing...and I know nothing. I doubt I could cast that thing out, and there they were casting it left and right. I love watching them. Jaxon is not afraid at all to go up and talk to people about fishing and mooch to get some of that good bait. And Brigham is just funny as always, getting his fishing string stuck in the tree and how he gets so excited he can't leave it cast out in the water too long so he reals it in over and over again. I love these adventurous boys.
 Spinnnnnnyyy Paaarrrrkkkkk
& lots & lots of swimming and sneeking in at Worldmark.
I loved my little glimpse of summer.
now i'm off to read some textbooks......

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