Friday, April 5, 2013

new uniform

I'm becoming a CNA.

I've started my clinicals, and they have been interesting to say the least.
I've learned a lot from them so far.. about being a CNA and also about my self.
You don't realize your how blessed you are for your health, privacy, and mobility until your the one helping someone else do those everyday tasks. When I tell people i'm taking a CNA class all they can think of is the dirty work & the brief changing. It is not at all that.. ok yes there is a lot of that... but when i'm helping these residents out I don't think of this at all. They aren't able to do that for themselves so that is why I am there to help them. Imagine not being able to feed yourself, dress yourself, move yourself, or go to the bathroom yourself. AND plus being in pain on top of all that. That is a lot to deal with. And a lot that you can't control. It is a sad thing for me to see all these people in pain, but that makes me want to become a nurse even more. I want to be that nurse that takes the time to care and takes the time to listen because that is what all of these people need. I take all these things for granted and it's hard to imagine my life with out them. Sometimes all we need are those little wake up  calls in life.

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