Tuesday, July 9, 2013

happy days

 Summer days are always the happiest of days. And I am saying that full heartedly. I am dragging my feet to start school again in the fall... but on the other hand, the thought of starting a new adventure makes me get all giddy and excited. I'm ready. I'm ready for a change. I'm ready for a new chapter in my life. Am I ready to move away from home? I don't know. It's been a blessing to be able to spend so much time with my family this summer. There is no where else I would rather be than to be with them. They make me laugh non stop, I really do have the funniest brothers. I'm glad I can enjoy their humor-even if they say swag far too many times. {maybe they are swag? ha}.
I've always thought I have found happiness in the "little things". But to find out, those things weren't so little. not as little as I thought. I have found so much happiness in the tiniest of things recently. Also in the biggest(is that a word ha) of things too. I've taken a lot of things for granted. I've really been able to observe life lately and really find gratitude and happiness.
happiness in miracles and life itself. This book is AMAZING! I just want to read it over & over so I can pick up every ounce of hope and strength that this family has. So many lessons to be learned in this book. I have to admit that this was the first book I started to get a little teary eyed in.
happiness in coming home to these cool boys waiting outside my door. it's the littlest of things. 

happiness in girls camp and feeling the beauty-inside & out-radiate from each one of the girls. Even if we are covered in mud. It just breaks my heart to know that many girls don't know and feel their individual worth. I learned so much just by listening and talking with these girls.
happiness in knowing that I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It's hard to work up the nerve to bear it sometimes, but it's always worth it. The church is true.  

happiness in the hot summer weather. Okay, sometimes it's too hot. It's gotten up to 115 degrees. But this weather is home. So many memories---most of them in the water too. 


happiness in family time. & happiness in having dad home for a short week. We've enjoyed the skim boarding park and the little snow shack together recently. It's always my favorite when we're all together. {missed Whit & Conrad though}


 happiness in family traditions. I love going to Delta. There is not much to do there, but to spend time with family & eat. And that is exactly why I love it. P.S. I made that patriotic cheesecake you see there. best ever. recipe here. I'm sorry if you don't try it.
happiness in cousins, siblings, & the great outdoors. There wasn't quite another way to finish off the 4th of July then to watch America's favorite game, baseball, enjoy America's nature in Park City,  watch some fireworks while munching on café rio, & driving home late with my dad and just talking.
happiness in spending time with my grandparents. I stayed with my grandparents this last weekend while my fam was up north.  I love helping my grandma Penny make family photobooks of the year or of vacations and seeing her excitement of each one. I love my Grandpa Barben's funny humor & sayings and when he jokes with me and grandma. I love how much hard work my Grandpa puts into his vegetable garden and my grandma puts into her beautiful yard & flowers. I love seeing the blossoms bloom each year and looking forward to grandma & grandpa's homegrown tomato sandwiches. I always have and always will love sleepover's at Grandma's.
I wish I could see both sides of my grandparents as often because they all mean so much to me! 
happiness in family home evening. With all of our busy lives it's a miracle if we do have it. We had it last night and we had a little visitor show up...Potty Mouth Man... plunging away all the bad words. It was a hoot, especially that wedgie the costume gave him. You've got to make it exciting to learn gospel principles for the little ones somehow!!
I'm happy & content. I wouldn't have life any other way.

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