Monday, September 16, 2013

college lyfe

BYU is going so great and i'm loving it all. 
Here's a little glimpse of what my weekend looked like. 
Partied and watched/danced to "The Strike" at the Wall. They are such a cool band, you should def look them up! 
Attempted to take our first ever roommate picture with all of us together (since that rarely happens). We kind of failed. but yeahhh roommates!
After dancing hard we collected free cookies & the famous byu mint brownies. (don't worry. we didn't eat them all....& good thing I was sick and didn't want to have anything to do with them for awhile) 

On Saturday I was sick all day.. i'm guessing I just partied too hard. But it was great because I was able to catch up on my Book of Mormon reading for my class. (which I'm loving by the way)
On Sunday we went to a great stake fireside. 
And I promise someday in our busy schedules we will all be together and remember to take a picture. 
The question is always "Where's Evie?" 

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