Wednesday, January 29, 2014

let's be friends

I usually don't do these things, but I thought it would be fun to get to know more of the blogging friends. I was tagged by the loveliest miss Alexis

One. Favorite song from Les Miserables? (number 3)
I've been a slacker & haven't watched the movie yet.. but I have seen the play. props for that.
Two. Which Hemsworth brother? Chris or Liam. Both or niether is not an answer. 
Liam for sure. buttt why Miley, really??? I'm glad he realized something. 
Three. Bachelor question: Do you find Juan Pablo attractive?
I don't watch the can't answer that one. 
Four. (The best book you've ever read.)
I will always love "The Secret Journal of Brett Colton". My most recent fave is "Heaven is Here"
Five. Are you introverted or extroverted?
I can't quite say. I love being with people but I also love my alone time as well. intrextroverted?
Six. Day in or day out?
Day out. I love a day well spent. Doing things I love with the people I love.
Seven. Which Disney Princess would you rather trade places with?
Cinderella...maybe just because I liked being her for Halloween. haha. Maybe Repunzel too. 
Eight. T or F: alls fair in love and war?
False. everyone is responsible for their actions at all times. 
Nine. What frustrates you?
When I have too much stinkin' homework for my own good. 
Ten. Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?
Not really. I think it takes time to really know the person to love the person. To really come to love their weaknesses, strengths, and characteristics. But to love that person no matter what is twue wuv.
Eleven. If you could go anywhere in the US, you've never visited, where would you go?
Florida. I just need summer, ok. 

I just want to be friends with I tag everyone who reads this. Comment below and leave your blog address so I can read and follow you as well. 

Questions I ask you:
one: If there was one word to describe you.. what would it be?
two: What makes you happy?
three: What do you want to be when you "grow up"?
four: If you had a day that you could do anything you wanted. what would you do?
five: Why do you blog?
six: What is your favorite book?
seven: favorite season? (fall. summer. spring. winter) why?
eight: favorite place to travel.
nine: favorite treat.
ten: Something fun about YOU. 


Alexis said...

I know I already did this, but since you did mine I'm gonna answer your questions because I adore you! :)

one: If there was one word to describe you.. what would it be?
well. Sunshine has been my nick name more often than not... So..?!

two: What makes you happy?

three: What do you want to be when you "grow up"?
a successful writer, a mother, and hopelessly in love with my life and a handsome man :)

four: If you had a day that you could do anything you wanted. what would you do?
Ohhh boy. I'd go do what Walter Mitty does. If ya know what I mean :)

five: Why do you blog?
To practice what I love.

six: What is your favorite book?
I'll add to your answer, heaven is here is wonderful, but David Copperfield is equally as lovely! :)

seven: favorite season? (fall. summer. spring. winter) why?
Easy. fall. One word, HALLOWEEN. (and of course sweaters and leaves and pumpkins!)

eight: favorite place to travel.
Disneyland. Can't go wrong!

nine: favorite treat.
Kit Kats.

ten: Something fun about YOU.
I'm not afraid of anything adrenline related. I will ride any roller coaster, go bungie jumping. So if you ever need someone to go to the theme park with who won't chicken out, I'm your gal :)

Kelli Gilbert said...

just stumbled across your blog! you are darling, girl! I'm excited to follow along!

Whitney said...

Ooooh I need to find you a Liam brookie!!! haha :) buttt he'll have to have better taste forrrr sure!! Hope your having a good day. I was so sad I couldn't help celebrate your b-day with you :( hope it was good and not stressful! And I still love the secret journal as well... :) That doesn't say much considering I don't read novels as much as I should. I just don't think there's one to top the scales of that one.Ya know? haha

P.S. love your clothes you made

Unknown said...

hey girl i just saw your comment on my blog, thanks for visiting! love the stuff you make :)


Racquel said...

Love your blog! Totally taking you up on this whole question thing.