Sunday, March 9, 2014

Fun is what we do.

Fun is what we do when we are not studying our little hearts & minds away. 
A lot of time it consists of dressing up, dance partying, laughing, treats, movies, & just goofing around.
Here is what we (as in roomies) have been up to: 
 1920's dance
 skittle bowling. which ended up us making each other do really silly things while bowling. 
 Roomie shopping trip to Macey's. We finally tried the famous kong cone on that sunny Saturday. 

Played dress-up for the "Hunger Games Capitol Party". Dat hair & make-up doe. The night was filled with lots of glitter, hunger game themed food, archery games, & lots of dancing. 

I'd say we never looked better. 
& today, Sunday, we spent our afternoon picnic-ing out in the glorious sunshine!
Happy Sunday :)

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