Wednesday, December 3, 2014

thankful heart ♥

I do have so much to be thankful. & grateful for. I'm blessed that I could go home to my cute little chillens, these beautiful Stg cotton candy skies, and my amazing parents. 
We spent Thanksgiving at our house with Grandma & Grandpa Lindsey and Liz & Ryan's fam. It was a fun day filled with lots of good food, crazy family, & our Christmas Hallmark channel lovin'. (yes, we love every bit of cheesiness that comes from those shows). We spent the rest of the break hiking, watching Lou lou play some soccer, i got to go to dance :), shopping, setting up Christmas, playing games, and watching more Christmas movies, of course.  

I'm so thankful for this family of mine, our health, & the immense blessing it is that we are apart of the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
And besides all of the finals coming up, I really am thankful that I am able to gain an education at an amazing University where I get to gain not only secular knowledge but spiritual knowledge as well! Here's to almost completing another full semester at BYU--cheers to finals! 

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