Thursday, October 1, 2015

all daa babies

If you can't tell... I'm loving all things babies and i'm learning lots about them too! At the end Summer, during BYU "homeless week" (ha it's a real thing), I got to stay with my uncle Ben and aunt Britney and their cutest little twinsies.  It was such a blast staying with them and playing with those cute girls everyday. wow twins are a handful (ben & britney are rockstars). 
Also, my nephew was blessed! And his crazy uncle Bret was giving him Alfalfa's the whole time. bless his heart. 

hahah i promise this picture relates to babies! This is how we learn about cervical dilation in nursing school. 1 cm- 10 cm. You've got to make that scary thought more fun with treats I guess haha. oh, and I even got to watch a live birth for clinicals this semester! The human body amazes me, it sure is a beautiful, miraculous thing. 

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