Tuesday, July 6, 2010

There is beauty all around

when your in Nauvoo.

Nauvoo was absolutely beautiful and was everything I imagined it to be.
We got there right before the show "Sunset on the Mississippi" started.
It was an interesting show. with some dry old humor. But it was great entertainment and kept the Senior Missionaries quite happy and content.
"3 ways to get peanut butter off the roof of your mouth"
The young service missionaries were great dancers, musicians, and singers.

The show was at the outside theater and was great, but when the sun came down it was wonderful!!

We got the chance to listen to Vocal Point while we were there. Vocal Point is an accupela group from BYU. They were absolutely incredible!!! At first I thought that they were singing to music, and we were thinking "isn't this an accupela group." Yep they were that amazing. Their sounds sounded like music.
Sadly, we only captured one photo of them. He came and asked a question to Whit.
"In what chord does a toilet flush? She had no idea.
"Which member of Vocal Point do you think was a baseball player in high school?" Let's just say it took her a few tries. haha
At the end I gave them one of my letters.
The temple was amazing, especially at night. It was amazing to think that the temple, that the people of Nauvoo worked for so long on, once stood in this very place. And as they were were forced to leave their home, leaving on their new journey, they looked back on their beloved temple. that took them so long to finish.
My first experience in Nauvoo was wonderful and so enjoyable.
There's just something special about Nauvoo. :)
Sorry some of my posts are similar to Whitney's. I am using this as a journal and I don't want to miss a post.

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