Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Nauvoo, what an incredible place.

and wonderful time.
It's such a great time to be alive. I just can't believe what hardships the saints went through. Especially Joseph Smith.
When we first arrived at Carthridge jail, we watched a video on Joseph Smith.
He had such a hard life, but he truly made the best of every situation.
Going through carthridge jail and hearing what they experienced strengthened my testimony of our first prophet Joseph Smith even more. Just knowing that a real prophet from so many years ago, was once in this very place. and lived and died there.

This is the room that so many brave men died in. Hyrum Smith was the first to be shot, through the door. The mob then burst open the door, bullets flying everywhere, Joseph was shot out the window.

Standing outside of the Carthridge Jail. The window on the second floor is where Joseph Smith was shot and he died.

Whitney.. oh whit. She is so Beautiful. and such a great example to me. You don't even know. I love her with all of my heart.

On the horse ride, passing the Nauvoo temple in the distance.
Oh just on the Oxen ride. no big deal.
haha They are so slow and quite a bumpy ride, but they were a lot stronger and not as expensive,compared to horses.

"Come on kids, let's go 'cross the plains'!"
haha or "cross crountry"
Nauvoo was such a beautiful place and was such a great experience. I enjoyed every minute of it. It was such a spiritual place.

Standing in front of our great. great. great. great Grandfathers home, Wilford Woodruff.
We were lucky enough to be able to watch the Nauvoo Pageant Rehearsal. And our friends the Anderson's were in it. It was so spiritual. The pageant told the Saints story and passages that were written in journals. They told the stories in such a fun way. I am thankful I got to see the Nauvoo Pageant, it was such a strong testimony builder.
The setting of the pageant was beautiful, the temple was located directly in the back of the stage. The productions in Nauvoo were unbelievable. They were so fun and I learned a lot in every single one of them. The actors and actresses were young missionaries on a musical theater service mission for the summer.

we sadly
had to say goodbye to Nauvoo. We walked the trail of hope one last time before we departed. just like the saints. But I can't imagine how hard it was for them.
I loved Nauvoo with all my heart! I almost wanted to live there. It would be such a fun mission.
I plan on visiting Nauvoo in the near future again!

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