Sunday, November 21, 2010

Strong And Courageous.

Our young womens had our YW in Excellence program today. in Sacrament meeting.
2010 theme: "Be stong and of a good courage; be not afraid neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord they God is with thee withersoever thou goest."

-Joshua 1:9
We sang this song "Strong and Courageous" by Jenny Phillips.
and it is now one of my favorites. Listen and you will know why.
(Sorry this is the only video I could find of the song. Just listen to it)
I love it. Everytime I sing it I feel as if I am declaring my testimony to the world.
Singing is one of the best ways of feeling the spirit and keeping it with you.

A laurel in my ward shared this with us today and I love it.

"Once upon a time, there was a young woman who was nothing but an insecure pauper. Even when she was told she was a princess destined to be a queen, she didn't believe that she would ever be beautiful. As she became the age of 12 she became a part of a family of princesses, who were beyond beauty; not just the beauty of their appearances, but the beauty inside each soul. The year this young woman turned 16, she touched a needle on a spinning wheel and her whole world seemed to fall apart. Throughout the year this young woman seemed to heal, but the soul of her princessness was slowly fading until she made a mistake, making a small crack in her glass slipper, and realized that she wasn't doing all of her princess duties. So thanks to Stake Conference, fellow princesses, the Savior, and the shining leaders of the princesess, this princess will one day be a queen!"

-Kendall Anderson

I thought this was so creative and wonderful. Thanks!

I love the Gospel.

And I love Young Womens

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