Saturday, January 1, 2011

you have been so good to me.


I have learned and grown so much the past year it is crazy.
I have had so many great experiences. and I notice it even more when I look back on the year.

...we moved to Washington state and began a new life there. meeting new people,visiting new places, and learning new lifestyles. It seemed like I was experiencing a new life as I went about being the new girl. Being one of a few Mormons at Oak Harbor High School. I knew the public high school wasn't the right place I should be and the road I wanted to take. So after days of crying and praying I decided home school was the place for me. The only place I felt peace, love, and the spirit. Days after the big decision the whole family would not. and I mean would not go to public school anymore. they all wanted to be home schooled too. Yep, all 7 of us kids were home schooled. it was crazy, but fun. As I had a lot more time on my hands while living there I had my first actual job, babysitting at the gym. probably my least favorite job because of a naughty kid. yeah he bit me...but I earned a lot of mula. I also got to take a lot of ballet classes. which was probably my favorite thing about WA. oh.. and I can't forget early morning seminary... oh what pain it was. Most of the kids would sleep during it, I was probably the only one that learned something from it... My days in WA were friendless but I had my family, and that's all that matters. My brothers sister mom and dad were my best friends. I learned to love the time I got to spend with all of them. and I cherish those moments.

...After jumping ahead in home school. I flew all by myself. to little St. George. and got to see everyone that disappeared in my life the last 6 months. It was great to see friends and of course my long lost sister. A few days later my grandma Penny and I left for 2 weeks in paradise. where I met some awesome girls, Jessica and Aspen. And we all explored the wonderful islands of Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, and Hawaii. It was a chance of a lifetime. thanks grandma :)

...When I came back home to WA to the whole family, we all delivered phonebooks for Uncle David. And earned some extra cash for our road trip and service project. After coordinating all the outfits and packing up our lives for 6 weeks, we were off on our Cross Country Road trip. We visited 26 states, drove 8,000 miles, and were gone for 6 wks. what another chance of a life time. Thanks to my momma and daddy boy who made it happen!

...When the trip finally had to come to an end we found a wonderful house back in st.g. the parents flew back to WA and packed everything up and they journeyed back home. We cleaned, painted, and fixed up the house..and moved in.
...that is where the other new life began again. in SG. We all started new public schools. I started going to Desert Hills High School and Success Academy at the college. and I love it. it keeps me super uber busy. and i've met some awesome nerdy friends just like me. I have met lots of people. and I still loving spending lots of time with my family. my life consists of sleep. school. dance. homework. repeat. It is great.

2010 was a year full of adventure and change that helped me learn and grow, to become the girl I am today.

I'm excited for 2011 and all the things this year has to offer.
Resolutions I hope to strive and accomplish this year:

learn better study habits. stress less. better myself each day. get a job.exercise every day. learn to drive. go to EFY. reach out more. get to know people in my new ward. obey the first time. less and less facebook. smile and say hi to everyone i see. meet a lot a lot of people. diligently search the scriptures for pleasure. be the best that I can be. never give up. try my hardest in everything. pray lots and thank Him.drink lots of water. receive my patriarchal blessing. accept change. be an example. improve my dancing skills-flexibility. try new money. make the best of every situation and have fun. be positive. write in my thankful journal often. live laugh love more.

Well these are just a few of the many things I need to work on.
2011 here I come.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I just love you and Whitney. You are such an example to my girls and to me! I hope they grow up just like you!