Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bloomington Trek 2011

We can do Hard Things.
June 1-4
Trek was such an amazing experience! I felt like I grew so much and became stronger. When I was younger, I told myself I never wanted to do a trek. But as I became older I was excited for this experience in my life. The trek was not at all easy. It was probably one of the hardest things I have ever done. But it was probably one of the best. I had such a great family, the Critchfields. They were literally the best, especially my Ma and Pa. I loved meeting so many new people and trekking together through the tough times.
One of the most spiritual and memorable parts of the trek was the silent women's pull. It was the hardest part for me and my sisters. There were 4 then 3 girls pulling one big wagon. I'm sure it was so hard for the boys as well, having to watch all these girls in pain. They could do two things though: take buckets out of the cart and push the girls (not the cart). This did help, but was still tough. As the boys helped by pushing our backs and encouraging us, I felt as if they were angels helping. I thought all the help was amazing, I just watched in awe at the crowds of people going down after they had finished, to again trek those same hills to help. Even though it was tough my first time up those hills, I knew all the girls appreciated all the help as much as I did. I gained so much appreciation and love for the pioneer women, they endured so much as their husbands went and fought in the Mormon Battalion.
The second day we trekked yet again up so many hills to an 8,000 ft elevation. But with the help of strong boys. Man am I thankful for them. We would help other families up the big hills and they would help us. It was like a tough game of leap frog with our wagons. We then made it to camp and rested. We had a pioneer carnival with tons of pioneer games. Sita won the stick pull for the girls. Then it was time for swing dancing, which was an absolute blast! Followed by a talk by President Anderson. It was a great end to a hard day.
The third day was all down hill, which was wonderful! We were fed so great. The Samoan ward came and cooked us pig. We had testimony meeting that night, which was so spiritual. The Samoans sang around the camp fire, oh they are just awesome. I slept so good, on sand for once!
The last day it felt so good to know that I could actually take a shower that day. It was a great feeling when the church was insight. 'Brigham Young' talked to us about "This is the Place". It was amazing when we walked to the end and saw all our family and loved ones.
The trek was such an amazing experience for me. I got to experience just a small glimpse of what the early saints endured. I will cherish these moments forever. The pioneers were strong, patient, faithful, determined, obedient to the Lord, and so many more positive characteristics. I know that God watched over and protected them, as He did with us. He is always with you. My testimony of the Savior and His love grew so much as He comforted me with a smile on my face. Joseph Smith and the pioneers did so much, so that the gospel could be were it is today. I will forever be thankful for them and my experiences on the trek.

This is my family trekking along. We had such a blast just singing hymns, even up the hills.
Our family motto was: Hold onto the Rod. I loved this and the meaning it brought to our family. When times were tough, we would say this and it would give us hope to not give up. I loved my Trek family!
All these people in this picture are awesome and my inspiration on trek:

Jeffery Toeaiga: He is my Samoan brotha. He was seriously so cool and the funniest kid. He stole the bathroom light and confessed in his testimony-so funny. He has such a strong testimony of the gospel though and can make anyone laugh. He made this trek so much more enjoyable for me and my family. We sang songs all day long. He was our encouragement and energy boost. We probably couldn't make it up those hills without him and camel. And down those hills without him dragging down the rope. Jeff is awesome!
TJ Norton: He is such a nice kid and was the best big brother. He was my ward buddy. He was such a big help, when he would let go for just a sec. I felt as if the wagon got 10x heavier. He's boss.
Jodi Fisher: Seeing her smiling face everyday just brightened my day.
Brayden Norton: Isn't he just the cutest little boy? He is so loving and has so much respect for others. We only got to see him for a little of the trek, but he was a great little dance partner :)

These people + so many more are so amazing, and made trek so much more enjoyable for me. Thanks!
This was right after the trek when we arrived at the church. Me and Jodi Fisher.  I just adore this girl so much. She is my inspiration and example. I love her nonstop smiling face. She makes me want to be a better person each and every day. This was her birthday picture and I just love her. We were so happy. I know this picture isn't the best, I guess my mom doesn't know how to take pictures, but I love how it shows how happy we are. Not only because we could go home and shower, but because we had just accomplished something so great. We had done something that would make the Saints smile upon us.

I am again so thankful for the trek and all those that made it happen! :)

more trek pics/videos

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