Monday, June 13, 2011

oh Jolley.

little old men are my favorite.
My new friend, Brother Jolley, is the epitome of the cutest old man.
I met and visited him yesterday. he's 96.
his stories are so great.
he wants to die so badly.
Not because pain, but because he wants to be with his girls.
He had quite the love affair. two in fact.
his first was lovely and they had 4 children.
They lived 40 happy years together.
his second lady was quite X5 the love affair.
he says she used to run around with gangsters. but he completely converted her the first month and married her the second. they were both completely into the church and each other. they were in love.
he smiled and cried. and hopes to dream about them each night.
and soon join them both above.
Jolley lived it all, so many stories and adventures of his I could tell you, all shared in one night.
*missionary*love*music*church* he told it all.
i hope I can find love as wonderful and heartfelt as good old Mr. Jolley did.
because love is is truly all you need.

dear future husband,
i know we will be completely and truly in love. for all eternity.
because from the wise words of jolley, i'm not going to cut the find short.
i'm waiting and looking  for you, for as long as it takes. because we'll be perfect for each other.
Let's be as cute as them when we are wrinkly and old. k?
"i'll buy you bromine when your losing all your hair", deal.
bubbles are my favorite, and so are you.
love you forever and always,
your pretty awesomespice future wife.

1 comment:

Whitney Marie said...

I couldn't have said it any better!!!! I am missing you and have many many things to tell you about and bloggio about!!! love ya lots me love. Keep brother jolley good company, and watch out for all them boys, ok??? And tell him I miss him, and give him some swiss chocolate ok??? I told him I would bring him some. thanks doll face