Saturday, November 5, 2011

she's the over to my hill?

Today I am sooo so extremely thankful for my Mother dear.
It's her birthday today.
The big 4-0.
ya know: "older than dirt." "your motors still running, but your warranty has expired." "if you were a car you'd be an antique." a very precious antique at that.
dad covered the whole house with 40 decor.
 hahhhhha gotta love over the hill humor.   
because none of these are even close to catching up with my mother.
ya she's 40, but she doesn't look a day over 20. we could be twinnas.haaah.
she is the nutella to my toast and the staw to my berry.

no, but really she is one of the most amazing ladies i know.
well, first of all she had 8 children. crazy. and she is one hott mama at that.
She loves all of her children so dearly. I know she'd do anything for us children. anything.
And her children love her. Everyday Jaxon goes to her and tells her he loves her, and how he wishes he could just marry her. it's the cutest thing ever.

She is so inspirational. on top of being a busy, and i mean busy momma. She is the owner/trainer for Fitness Dorm. She is one of the most self-less people i know. always willing to help others and serve. and so so energetic and happy while doing it. i love that about her.

She let's us develop our talents and do what we love to do. whether it's dance, football, gymnastics, piano, plays, baseball, soccer, basketball, or whatever else. she is driving us all around alll day. and supporting us, even if we have 3 sport games at the same time or if it is freeeezzing cold.

She is one smart cookie. She knows what she's talking about and is always 100% honest with me. i've learned to always listen to her and obey, because she knows what's best for me.

She loves the Savior so much. I know she has a testimony of the church, and she shares and teaches it with me more and more everyday. She is an amazing example to me & everyone.

I love you mom with all my heart.
I hope you had the best birthday ever! you deserve it!


Jillian said...

Happy Birthday to your mom. I know, she is my idol too. Someday i hope to grow up to be just like her.

The Barben Adventures said...

Awe thanks Brooke I love you! How did I get so lucky to be your mom? Thanks for looking past all my weaknesses and loving me anyway!