Monday, February 27, 2012

one step at a time.

wooow feels like i've been out of the bloggin loop for sometime.
life is fun, crazy, and stresss.
but it's going gooood.
my brain is scatter brained
so here's catch uppp time...

i've learned a lot this past month.

Be sooo so grateful. for EVERYTHING don't let a single second go by without saying the words thank you and  i love you. times can be tough but counting all your blessings is number one.

Sometimes you can't fix your own problems. the Lord is there 100%++++ of the time. don't be hesitent one bit to get on your knees and pray.

Parents are also there to help us and they want the best for us. always. mine are the best at that.

And did i mention i love my family? i do. it's the cutest thing ever when my little brothers want to play with me. and please bless that it snows for them tomorrow. they have already made sure we have carrots for the snow mans nose and everything. weather man don't lie. #it'snotevencoldoutside.

oh and i just might be the #1 test crammer ever. my brain just loves me right now. 3 tests in 3 days.

oh oh and i'm into photography right now. i'm taking a photography class in school.
Here are some pictures from my object project: dream catcher (another obsession of mine).
pretty friend Haley was my model.
Kaos pics! (by Erin) I sure do love my team!
 Just a swig run with these cool kids. can you tell we want summer real bad!

and the most recent highlight! State basketball! Can I just tell you that i LOVE basketball games. win or lose, dhills is the best! the student section is my favorite. We just have the funnest of times!

Just living it up as always.
trying to be the best that I can be. :)

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