Friday, March 9, 2012

safe and sound.

"Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound"
-Taylor Swif

It made me open my eyes a little. A LOT.

Life is so precious and PRAYER is REAL.
i'm so thankful that I dance at a studio where we say prayer and exercise our beliefs. before and after rehearsal. Last night I said the prayer and was impressed to asked for safety on our way homes. And with that simple prayer of faith, I indeed did arrive home safe and sound. I just may have been in shock and scared/blessed for my life the rest of the way home. Semis are a scary sight in my eyes and always have been. But i'm thankful I learned to be a defensive driver exactly a year ago. (thank you drivers ed). don't worry: nothing even happened, just a big scare for me. It opened my eyes to REAL life, people. we must be deffensive in this life, against all the sin and error that can bring us down and hurt us. We must be worthy to receive those blessings that our Father in Heaven has given us, so we can return safe and sound with Him again. 

I've liked this Taylor Swift song, "Safe and Sound", since I first listend to it, but this time I heard it and felt a little differently.
"Just close your eyes. The sun is going down." We are blessed with the power of prayer where we can close our eyes at any time and pray to Heavenly Father.
"You'll be alright. No one can hurt you now." He is ALWAYS there. for comfort, peace, joy, help, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. He is there for YOU.
"Come morning light. You and I'll be safe and sound." He will answer our prayers. All we need to do is follow him in righteousness and He will guide us home to Him.

simply put, but so true.
What wonderful blessings I have in my life. so. so. thankful.

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