Tuesday, June 19, 2012

happy camper

 Girls Camp 2012
yo, we totally hiked that moutain.
 cute little beehive girlies.

 having fun with what we got.
 1st ward represent
  mulan-ers for our skit.
sierra. me. haley.
an accidental kind of picture.  
 best friend adventure pictures. found a little friends sign in a random tree on a walk and just had to take a picture.

 hahahaha just star gazing on top of the bunkies. one of our favorite things.
and being fire ninjas.

Girls camp this year was a total b-last! There is nothing like getting away from worldly things, spending time with all my girls, being completely filthy, and most of all feeling the spirit so strongly. Such a beautiful setting! I couldn't have asked for a better week. Being a YIC/YCL was one of my favorite things. I enjoyed getting to know so many adorable girls and being their leader. All the girls were so HAPPY, I could tell that they could feel the love and most of all the savior's love.
A few favorite experiences/memories:
::the hike up to cedar moutain for camp. 5 of us YICs (me, haley, aubrey, carly, and toshi) were able to meet all the girls down in Cedar to hike up the "C" trail. Let me tell ya, it was pretty difficult! Especially, when ya run out of water! But it was so fun being able to help all the cute little beehives have a fun experience and help them endure to the end of that moutain. oh, and was it glorious when we finished! and an amazing view::
::all the girls crushing over bret and jake. So funny.i guess i'm now known as "Barben's sister" hahaha i've got to watch out for those crazy girls::
::being able to spend time with Haley and Sierra Sims. and all the ycls. they are some of my favorite ladies and made this experience SO much more enjoyable.::
::Star gazing at midnight. the stars are AMAZING up in the moutains.::
::sleeping in those concentration camp looking bunks on wooden boards. snuggled up in 2 sleeping bags. let me tell ya how comfortable that was ;) haha
::a devotional by Miss America. she is lds. so awesome!::
::for sure the camp ycl flashmob dance::
::letting go of balloons that we tied a promise to our Heavenly Father on (loved this!)::
::And of course testimony meeting with my Bloomington 1st ward. I really do love my ward, and I am so thankful for all these girls and their examples to me. I really do have the best leaders, best bishopbric, and the best sisters in my ward. I really felt the love at camp and I know i'm supposed to be here where I am today. I am so blessed!!

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