Saturday, June 22, 2013

my dad.

I know this is late on the blog but really, I love this guy.
I have always known that I have the greatest dad out there for me. He has always made me feel like a little princess. He loves and supports me whenever and in whatever. I know he would do anything . for me & our family. I know this because he has shown me through his words & through his actions. He is seriously the hardest worker and so selfless. He is out & away in Oklahoma working this whole summer for US. For my family, so that we can do the things we enjoy. I know it must be hard being away from his family because it sure is hard for us. Being away has only made me appreciate him more though. I love you daddy-boii ❤❤
& since we couldn't be with him this father's day, we decided to make a short video for him. 


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