Saturday, June 22, 2013

since the last.

Well it has been a little bit.
about a whole month.
what is up with that Brooklyn?
Here's how my summer has been going at its finest:
1. Work. I got a job as a CNA for a home health business. I actually quite like it. All of my clients are just the cutest. I've learned a lot so far about life and how precious it is. {I really don't want to grow old or my grandparents or parents too either for that matter.} it's definitely hard to see people realize the struggles they are going through at their age and how they can't remember a lot of things. But I don't mind being called beautiful a million times ;){okay I'm not gonna lie, it can get irritating after the 100th time. oh bless that sweet man's heart.}
him: *changes the subject* now let me tell you about this. You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. and I mean that.
me: Thank you {insert name} you are too nice. *wondering if he says this to every caregiver* oh yes, he doesn't remember :)
him: now i'm not just saying that just because. now have I told you about my sons?
me: yes you have. I'm only 18 though, i'm still really young {they are about my parent's age....} 
him: *gives me advice on dating & marriage and how he is going to have to meet any boys that come my way* ha.
*******whole conversation starts over again with him telling me i'm beautiful and so on & so forth*** i'm lucky if the convo changes up a bit. The good thing is we never run out of things to talk about.
I really have enjoyed listening to stories from their lives & all of their accomplishments though. It has given me so much insight on my life and the things that I can do better to better the life that I have and live it to the fullest. It has made me want to continue & succeed in my education because these people have showed me what can come from it. They have all done so much with their lives. It just makes me want to do even more with mine.
2. My family a.k.a. my Mom got to tend Brad & Genis's kids for a week & a 1/2 while they were on vacation in Costa Rica with Grandma Penny. I had fun playing with them: having sleepovers with Jaysa, doing Zumba with Rylee, & playing with lipstick with Paisley. Paiseee poo is just the cutest stinker pie. 
3. My friends are all already starting to go their separate ways & move onto bigger and better things. Miss Emily Purdy left me and moved to Missouri for the Summer and then she is off to BYU Hawaii for school in the Fall. I'm really going to have to visit her. She is one of the most outgoing people I know and she sure isn't afraid of what people think of her. That is one of the things I love most about her. She has the greatest sense of humor and can always make me laugh. It has always been a party with her since day 1 of sophomore year.
So of course we had to party on her last day here in the StG.
Swimming. BBQ. Sand Volleyball. Swig. It was all just a blast with some of the best people.

4. Miss Emma, my sweet, sweet exchange student, left home to the Netherlands. It was really hard to say the goodbyes. I think we said goodbye see ya later & hugged at least 20+ times before we actually got to the car. Driving away-waving until the very last second as we turn the corner- was hard. It was especially hard because she lives in a totally different country. Who knows where we all will go with our lives & where we will end up... but we for sure know that our paths will cross again. Me & Hay are hoping to take our turns as the foreigners someday & have Emma show us around her stomping grounds. Oh that would just be the best.
We did lots following the days before Emma left:
-Went to a goodbye bbq for Emma and Valentina. We jumped in the pool with our clothes on. YOLOIA.
-Spent the day together doing all of our favorite things. thrifting, swimming, smoothies, & frolicking in the sweet lands of Dixie.
-Emma finally tried a PB&J sandwich after lots of convincing. she really didn't like it. Now I have to try the Dutch way of eating sprinkles on toast.
-Me and Haley gave Emma a present for the long airplane ride home. Her very own Book of Mormon with our testimonies of this true gospel written in it. That Book is the greatest and our favorite & we just wanted to share it with her.

Now, I just can't wait to Skype this girl.

5. I went to Lake Powell with some of my best buds. More to come on that party later. For now enjoy the beauty of the iphone camera & lake Powell scenery.

 6. Well today was just free food day for me I guess. Luckily.
Free Chick-Fil-A coupon.
Free Smoothie for wearing flip flops on national flip flop day. They even accepted socks & sandals for haley ;)
& Free Orange Chicken at Panda Express.
I must be living right.

But basically all I've been up to is chilling & working. enjoying these days in the hot hot heat before I go freeze my buns off in Provo. I just can't tell you how excited I am to go to BYU. I've signed up for all my classes and that just gets me giddy. I am SO excited to take religion classes and dive even deeper into the gospel. I have SO much more to learn in life and I just can't wait.

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