Wednesday, July 17, 2013

eight is so great.

My little Jack jack turned 8 today. Where do I even begin to tell you how much I adore this boy. He is sure a little ladies man and quite the gentleman at that. I can ALWAYS count on him to bring a smile to my face. That smile right there on his face will just about make your heart melt at any moment too. Oh, and the things he says just about make me die. Brig is one to make me laugh at any second of the day and Jaxon is the one to pull at my heart strings and about make me cry. ohhh but when those boys are together, it's the best.
*eating ice cream to celebrate the birthday boy*
Brig: let's go get a snowcone after too. k.
Me: No, don't ya think ice cream is enough right now? {he sure likes that sugaaa}
Brig: Well I don't care about getting cavities {when did I mention cavities???}
Me: Cavities are really expensive Brigs
Brig: Ya... well... you're expensive. buuuuurrrrrnnnn
Jaxon: She is expensive because she is a beautiful girl. 

LIKE REALLY. What-now-8 year old says things like that? Boys my age don't even say things like that. 
But  he has always been the one who will always give me a hug, take a picture with me, & will even maybe give me a kiss. 
I really do have a special place in my heart for this boy & Brigham. I don't know if it is because they are the youngest and still so sweet & innocent. Or because I have been old enough to remember everything about them since the day they were born, and have spent many hours babysitting them. {Funny/Sad story: When my parents announced that my mom was pregnant with Jaxon, I started bawling. I can't really remember why.. probably because I thought that was a lot of kids at the time or something??? Let's now just say it was tears of joy. because I'm sure glad Jaxon & Brigham are here on this earth with my family. for eternity! Our family just wouldn't be complete without them. 8 kids is sure great!}
I always have felt so close to these two and I hope that never changes. It is going to be hard not being here everyday watching them grow up. And I know that's going to happen fast once i'm away for awhile. {mom better send lots of pictures & have them all call me lots}
I love you Jaxon & I can't wait until your baptism! 

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