Sunday, August 25, 2013

i am a daughter of Heavenly Father

Today was my last day in Young Womens.
I will so miss reciting the YW theme ^^^ each week. but I can't wait until I can serve as a YW leader someday! I have so enjoyed my experiences I have had and the lessons I have learned in YW. 
I have a sure testimony of the YW's program and know that it is so important for us so that we can learn and grow to become faithful daughter's of God and feel of our individual worth and our importance to Heavenly Father. And that is exactly what young girls need to know.  Young Women's has helped me find who I am as a Daughter of God, has strengthened my testimony, & has helped me prepare for my future so much. 
I am forever thankful for the people I have met, the fun I have had, and the true and everlasting gospel that has been shared through this inspired program. 
I will always remember:
"We are Daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and we love Him."

now on to Relief Society i go....

1 comment:

Erin Estella said...

I love your awesome messages! Keep posting them! They make my day!