Sunday, September 29, 2013

i only post on the weekends

The weekdays are go go go for me. so when the weekends come around..I am so content. 
so that's when I blog now. 
here's a little bit of what's going on here in P-town. 

//Lots and lots of chemistry. That jumbled mess on the far right one problem....i die//
//Surprisingly i'm still smiling after all that... Plus, I had my first tests at the testing center. My first chem test I did pretty good, and I totally rocked my Book of Mormon test. It's so crazy to me that i'm being tested on the doctrines in the Book of Mormon, but I'm loving my class and learning so much!//

//It's getting sooo cold now. There's already snow on the mountains. i'm going to die in the winter. the end//
//SURPRISE another football game this weekend!! It was freezing, but it totally was worth it when we got seats on the 4th row after half time!//

//And warm krispy kreme donuts, lots of laughs, "Hey Mister", car jammin, and a movie party to top off the cold night.//

Here's to getting through another week and looking forward to general conference! YEAH! 

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Does your chem teacher have a ladder? That looks crazy with all the chalkboards super high!!