Monday, September 9, 2013

Sweet Jaxon

*I promised I would have another post by today. and at last it is 11:45pm and I kept my word.*

I was so blessed to be able to come home for a day (ok not quite. I was home for 14 1/2 hrs.) It was crazy how everything worked out so that I could make it to my sweet Jaxon's baptism. It was a short but, oh, so sweet trip. I loved being home again with my family. There is something about moving away that makes you incredibly thankful for your family, your home, & especially your parents. There was something about looking around at the baptism and seeing all my family together that made me see such an eternal perspective. Baptism is one step closer to being able to live with our Heavenly Father again someday. And seeing my family all together made me feel a rush of emotion that if we are righteous and keep our baptismal covenants we will be able to live all together with our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ even after this life. 
I was happy and honored that Jaxon wanted me to give a talk at his baptism. I gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. I think this talk hit me the most. The Holy Ghost really is always there for us in all things. I know the Holy Ghost was with me at the baptism because I could feel the spirit so strong. I think at that very moment when I was giving my talk that I realized and recognized the Holy Ghost more than ever before. I finally fully recognized His hand in every aspect of my entire life. Living away from home has taught me more to rely on my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and to listen to the Holy Ghost at all times. He is there. 

Aren't these pictures adorable? (Photo cred to Whitney!!)
 An incredible future missionary right here. 
I'm so excited to see the incredible young man this sweet little boy becomes. I love you Jaxon! 

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