Sunday, September 8, 2013

the beginning of a new chapter.

Holy Cow!
I have seriously been sooooo busy this last week and a half trying to adjust and party all that I can. I don't even know where to begin! It's been a week of fun, adjusting, partying, lack of sleep, stress, & lots of laughs with my awesome roomies. I will start at the beginning I guess. 
Freshman Orientation!
Oh boy did they want to keep us busy those three days or what. It was just go go go and mingle mingle mingle. I met lots of people and forgot lots of names, but it was a great way to start off my freshman year. Plus, there was a dance party every night and free creamery ice cream ;)
^^ i'm in there somewhere. 
My sweet momma dropping me off at college!
I'm so excited I get to live so close to my great grandma Pearl now. 

First time in the bYu stadium for the Roc Rally for freshman orientation. It was pretty rad. And we met this really tall byu basketball player. Just had to get a pic for the bros. 
My first day of school at BYU! I thought it was pretty appropriate to wear my apple skirt.

And I just got home from my first time tunnel singing here at the Y. I love the spirit I feel here and the fun activities I am able to experience and enjoy.
*More posts to come. hopefully by tomorrow*

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