Friday, December 6, 2013

Old Town Thanksgving

Ooh Thanksgiving break was so great. I really needed it. 
It was a blessing that I was able to go home for Haley's farewell and then travel with my fam to Grandma and Grandpa Lindsey's in good ol' Virginia City, NV. Thanksgiving break was spent eating way too much good food (of course), spending time with family, dressing up like old town Virginia City people for Grandma & walking all over town in costume, the Candy Cane express, lots of laughter especially because of our foreign exchange student Gooch ;) (aka Bret pranking grandma), skyping with the best aunties around, old family photos, exploring Grandma & Grandpa's little Virginia City motel, BYU football team fireside, watching Catching Fire & Christmas movies, lots of thrift store shopping & finds, and, of course, not doing homework like I was supposed to. It was a great break indeed and I feel so blessed and thankful for my life and all of those in it.

Thanks so much for everything my wonderful family. Thanks Grandma & Grandpa for having us and preparing such fun things for us to do. I am so so blessed to come from such amazing grandparents and parents and to be surrounded by such great examples from my Aunts & Uncles. And to feel such great joy, fun, and laughter from all of my younger cousins (I was the oldest cousin there-missing Whitney & Victor). Love you all! 


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictues Brookie. We don't get to spend much time together. Hope you don't mind if I post some. Love you, Grammy

Whitney said...

Heyyyy girl. Thanks for posting the pictures! I heard you had a good time!! Good luck with finals :) missin ya!!