Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Temple Square at Christmas Time!

This past weekend I had the chance to travel up to temple square (on the train) with my ward to go to the Family History & indexing center. My ward indexed about 40,000 names just this semester! Yes, I have such a great ward here at BYU. We learned a lot about family history and then had the rest of the night to window shop at City Creek and walk around temple square. Yes, it was freezing. And yes, we were all stressed out because it was the weekend before finals week, but it was so so worth it! I loved getting away from the stress of school and being able to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. I love the Spirit I feel on temple square and the bright lights that light up the temple even more.  I feel the light of Christ illuminating all across temple square at this time of the year and I absolutely love it! I'm so thankful for the birth and love of my Savior, Jesus Christ. He lives! 

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