Friday, January 24, 2014

Hap Birth & Happy Birthday!

We have been doing Birthdays over here right! 
Three birthdays and one half birthday all in one month. 
We surprised Jasia with a 1/2 birthday last weekend since her real birthday is in the summer when we won't be together...let's not even talk about that yet.. :( Her half birthday was complete with brownies (we were tempted to eat half of them before), singing half of the happy birthday song (hilarious), and her making only half of a wish ;) I hope you had a Hap Birth Jasia! We love you!

The "Birthday Corner!" We can't have fire in our dorm so...being the good children we are, we sing and blow out candles outside. No shoes are allowed either. It's tradition!

Evie's birthday was yesterday! We celebrated "evie style". First of all, 3 things you should know about Eve-ster: she's a ninja, she dislikes blonde haired boys (i have no idea why?), and she LOVES waffles. So, we surprised her with a "ninja birthday mission" where she had to get through the wild maze and hit the hilarious pictured blonde-haired-boys-targets with a nerf blower to get to her surprise, the chocolate cake waffles!!!

Celebrating all these birthday's this month has been so fun, but I think we are all sugared out. haha everyone was on quite the sugar high last night. My birthday is next week and I just can't believe it. 19 already!! Where has the year gone?

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