Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Happiness: two

I am happiest when....
I am surrounded by the ones I love. 
I read my scriptures.
I laugh.
I am in the sunshine.
I dance
I create new things. 
I eat yummy foods.
I am at the beach. 
I serve others.
I am productive and get things done.
I eat healthy & exercise

If we know the things that make us happy, I wonder why we don't do them as often as we should. I mean who doesn't want to be HAPPY?? Why do we still do the things that make us unhappy? One thing that I feel has brought my happiness down recently has been social media. Yes, social media of all things. I waste so much time on it...and all it usually does is make me not my happiest self. 
First of all, I feel like I waste half my day. Second, it gets in the way of family time, making memories, and building relationships. Third, comparison is the thief of all happiness. Every time i'm on instagram i'm usually unintentionally comparing myslef to another. And i'm sure that's the case with all girls.. even though they may deny it. I love is a way that we can connect to others and share the prettiest of pictures. But I also love-hate it at times as well. I feel as if it is a constant competition of who can get the most "likes" and "followers". It can be quite the popularity contest. I feel like people spend more time on it comparing themselves to others, instead of going out and making relationships and trying to become better themselves. It gets in the way of things.  I feel that it has blocked me from feeling spiritual things at times as well because I have gotten so caught up in it. Remember that you usually only see the positive, beautiful things in someones life through an insta feed. What you don't see are the struggles and difficulties in their lives. No one is perfect. Don't compare yourself to random strangers on the internet because you have no idea how their life really is on the other side of the screen.  People are beautiful but all in their own ways. We have been given different characteristics and qualities from our Heavenly Father, each for a different purpose. We are all beautiful son's and daughter's of God. We must remember that. I love insta and sharing life's happiest of moments and I will continue to do so, but it is my goal to spend more time becoming a better me and less time comparing myself to others.

Happy insta-ing & Happy Sunday! 

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