Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I love visitors!

Whitney & Conrad came and visited me this last weekend on there way to Salt Lake and I loved it! Whitney slept over at my little dorm while Conrad stayed at his brothers. We went to the Sacred Gifts exhibit at the BYU Mueseum of Art. It was amazing! "The exhibit features nearly two dozen ORIGINAL beloved paintings of the life of Jesus Christ by three European master painters from the late-19th century. Most of these works have never before been  viewed in the United States, and are being loaned to the BYU Museum of Art under extraordinary circumstances from churches and museums in Germany, Sweden, Denmark and New York." I highly recommend going and seeing these beautiful, astonishing paintings of Jesus Christ and His life. We couldn't take any pictures in the exhibit so we just went with taking pictures on these silly sculptures outside of the museum. 
Later that night we went and saw Saratov Approach at the dollar theater, which I highly recommend as well! I was on the edge of my seat with my heart beating heavily the whole time! Watching these two missionaries great faith in this life-threatening trial gave me so much more love and appreciation for the missionaries and their sacrifices they make everyday. Whether the sacrifice be life-threatening as this was or by going out and serving for 2 years! Missionary work is amazing! I had so much fun with them and I'm so glad I got to spend this extra time with them. I love when I get visitors! 

We were sitting on a duck statur... so naturally we did the "duck face" 

Thanks for visiting me Whit and Conrad! Love you!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Thanks again for everything! Love you!!