Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday Happiness: three

Today in Relief Society we focused a lot on service and we talked a lot about how even the little things can make such a great impact on someone. Everyone shared such great experiences about ways people have made such an impact on their lives just by small & simple things. 
This week for my birthday my roommates did so much for me. One of my favorite things they did for me was in this little glass box. They shared with me 19 things they love about me (because I turned 19, obviously :)) This gift is so special to me and was exactly what I needed. A lot of times we feel inadequate and inferior, but we are not! I have especially been feeling this way since starting my nursing classes. Satan is there telling us all of these things. But fear not, we have our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ with us always that are there to help us and strengthen us. One way they are there to help us is through others here on this earth. We are able to feel of their love through others & know of our worth. That is why it is so important to listen to our promptings from the Holy Ghost because you never know when someone may need to feel they are loved & adequate. 

So, again, this post goes out to my roommates for being such angels in my life ♥

"If the Lord has an errand to run, I want to be the one to run that errand for him."
-Thomas S. Monson. 

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