Wednesday, April 23, 2014


This has been quite the month so far. I wished away the month to go by as fast as possible so I could be done with finals & school. So ready for summer. I am. 
Finished all my finals. Packed. Said some very hard goodbyes (SEE YA LATERS). Drove home. Unpacked. & now i'm finally sitting here DONE wishing it wasn't over yet. How does that happen. If only we could be at school without actually doing school, ya know? 
My freshman year at BYU was the greatest. I feel incredibly blessed to have spent it with the very best friends and roommates a girl could ask for, prayers were indeed answered. I'm so blessed to have spent this year growing, learning, & laughing with all of them. They are seriously some of the funniest and kindest girls I know. I have become a better me because of them. All five of them are headed out on missions this Summer and I just don't know what I will do without them comes fall. They will be incredible missionaries and I can't wait until we are all reunited again!  Basement Babes 4 ever!

Until next time BYU!

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