^^looooong ride home & tired eyes^^
+TX is a very humid place. very very.
+TX is big. but what's new?
+TX is green too. greener than I imagined.
+TX has the BEST ice cream. Blue Bell: my new love. Magic Cookie Bar, Italian Cream Cake. & Peach Cobbler were my favorites. (We tried about 10 different flavors.) On the way home, at every bathroom or gas stop we would get a couple pints to share. It lasted until we got to NM & then blue bell was no more. crying over here. ;(
+We drove through several "sketchy" places, as Brigham would say
+We were the minority in several locations. Including our hotel which was filled with an all black reunion-back from when schools were segregated. crazy.
+Buc-ees is the costco of gas stations. HUGE.
+VSCO cam is my new editing app go to.
+We're finally home!!!
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