Thursday, August 28, 2014


The past few days have been CRAZY. Monday and Tuesday I worked my last two 12 hour shifts at work. Then, on Tuesday is when the madness really broke out. I was cleaning up the messy messy kitchen and listening to the thunderstorm outside when Bronson yells "Water is coming out of the window!!" I ran downstairs and water was rushing through the windows from the window wells and starting to flood our basement. Not only in one room but in three! I was freaking out to say the least haha. And the best thing about it was that my parents were gone in Hawaii for two more days! I still can't believe all the crazy rain, hail, and lightning we got. First thing I did was freak out and call dad. First thing my siblings did was kneel down and say a prayer. I'm thankful for their examples and that it wasn't worse than it was. So thankful for all the neighbors who helped. And thankful for the power of prayer.  

The next day we treated ourselves to some Hawaiian food at Honolulu grill and to Hokulia shaved ice. We wanted a little taste of Hawaii too :)

Love these kids and I am missing them already as i'm moving away to college tomorrow!!!

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