Monday, February 2, 2015


Hey guys, want to know what this girl did for her 20th bday? 
I was in the OR...for clinicals watching surgeries. it was an absolute must to capture my super stylish birthday outfit haha paper scrubs, cap, and all. 

Because Haley's cards are ALWAYS the best. she comes home in 4 MONTHS!!!
And Sister Martin made my birthday week with this sweet picture and an email. she's the best! I have the absolute best missionary friends...just sayin'!
Oh, and I, of course, have the best family. The day was filled with lots of lovin' from them and insta shout outs. 
And after a long day of clinicals we celebrated with froyo, playing games, & watching a movie with friends. I was EXHAUSTED but it was oh so great.
Thankful for these girls, my fam, froyo, and 20 years of life. 

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